Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Back Then, January 22, 1973

by Molly Noble Bull

I have never been a member of a Catholic church, and today we Home Church. However, I joined a pro-life group called The Ad-Hock Committee in Defense of Life sponsored by the Catholic church before Roe vs. Wade became the law of the land, and I happened to be watching an afternoon soap opera on TV—As the World Turns, I think, when Walter Cronkite came on the screen with an important message. The Unites State Supreme Court had just announced the passage of a new law called Roe vs. Wade, making abortion legal in all fifty states.
            I was crushed and started crying.
            I have always loved babies and small children, and babies come in all colors—red, yellow, black, brown and white. I love them all from conception to old age and beyond. Children are made in the image of God, and to me, there is no such thing as an unwanted child because I truly love and want every single one of them.
            So on that day back in January 1973, I called a pro-life Catholic friend, and we wept together over the phone. But the television was still on.
            All at once another announcement came on the screen—that former president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, had just died in Johnson City, Texas. Suddenly, Roe vs. Wade was buried in the press coverage of the death of a former president, and many Americans, perhaps most, knew nothing about the evil ruling that took place of that horrible day.
            Not long after January 22, 1973, that friend and I along with two other Catholic ladies started a pro-life group in our Texas County. But it was a few years before Evangelicals, Baptists and some Lutherans finally learned that abortion was legal and joined in the fight. However, they couldn’t have fought harder once they knew, and the pro-life movement took off—starting with Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority.
            Back then, we expected Roe vs. Wade to die in two or three years or around 1976 or 77. It didn’t happen partly because we were unable to get our message out. There was no Rush Limbaugh or the Fox News Channel or all those great Christian television channels back then. All we had was ABC, CBS, NBC and Public Television—all liberal and all pro-abortion.  
            We would say or think, If only the former president hadn’t died on January 22, 1973, we could have gotten our message out sooner.
If only—
If only—
If only.
I remember listening to a political TV talk-show once consisting of George Will, a couple of liberal men and a woman who was a feminist. The TV host asked the feminist what the women of this country thought about a certain issue, and she spit out the general liberal spin as if she was speaking for all American women. But she sure wasn’t speaking for me then or now.
            Years later and after abortion became legal up to and including the ninth month of pregnancy, I tried to discuss the topic with another Christian friend only to learn that she knew little about abortion and was shocked to learn that ‘so called’ later term abortions not only existed but were now legal.         
            We’ve come a long way since January 22, 1973. But babies are still being murdered in the womb. It has got to stop.  

Sunday, July 27, 2014


 When Will the Last 7 Years Begin?

By Molly Noble Bull 


   Rosh Hashanah—September 29, 2008 and Rosh Hashanah—September 13, 2015  

We divide our years into ten-year cycles called decades. But according to the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, years are divided into seven-year cycles—each beginning on the Jewish New Year called Rosh Hashanah. Much of the information found in this article came from articles found in Prophecy in the News, a monthly magazine published by Prophecy in the News Ministries out of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
In the September 2008 issue of Prophecy in the News magazine, readers learned that a new Sabbatical Cycle of seven years began on September 29, 2008 on Rosh Hashanah. According to another article in the May 2008 issue of Prophecy in the News magazine, readers learned that the current Sabbatical Cycle will end on Rosh Hashanah, September 13, 2015.

Did the seventieth week, mentioned in the Book of Daniel, begin on September 29, 2008?
Will it begin on September 13, 2015? Or does anyone know?

Nobody knows? But that is no reason not to study the Bible and learn more.

A lot has happened since Rosh Hashanah 2008, and America appears to be in decline. Jonathan Cahn warned America of what was to come in a book titled The Harbinger. Thomas Horn, Doug Woodard, L.A. Marzulli, Rob Skiba and others warned us of the return of the giants and even more frightening events yet to come. In March 2014, Gatehaven, my Christian Gothic Historical Novel, was published in paperback and as an e-book, and it helps inform readers about the dangers of the occult. Then Mark Biltz and John Hagee wrote books telling about the Blood Moons of 2014 and 2015.

Blood Moons are lunar eclipses and are fairly common. However, when they fall on one of the Lord’s Feasts found in the Book of Leviticus, chapter 23, some believe these Blood Moons are warnings of dangers to come sent from God for Israel.

The first blood moon appeared on April 15, 2014. Think of all the bad things that have happened since then.

.   Gaza fired over fifteen hundred rockets into the tiny Nation of Israel, and Israel fired back. The war is still going on.
.   Strange weather everywhere
.   Planes crashing
.   Thousands of unaccompanied children as well as adults from South America pouring into South Texas and elsewhere with no provisions for them on such short notice.
.   Schools in America will open in August and September 2014, unprepared for the thousands of new students likely to show up at the schoolhouse door.

The next Blood Moon will take place before daylight on October 8, 2014. The last seven year period as well as the next seven year period begins on September 13, 2015.

Stay tuned to learn more in the days and weeks to come.

Please pray for me and my family during these end times. If you leave a comment at the web address below and include your name, I will pray for you, too.
Molly Noble Bull

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

John 3:16 Marketing Network: Want to Read the Next Peretti or Dekker - Check Ou...

John 3:16 Marketing Network: Want to Read the Next Peretti or Dekker - Check Ou...: Book Review by Kathleen L. Maher Evil has its hour, but the end of the Story reveals a Victor whose atoning sacrifice makes redemption...

Friday, March 28, 2014

Seeking with all Yur Heart: Gatehaven

Seeking with all Yur Heart: Gatehaven: Title:  Gatehaven Author:  Molly Noble Bull Pages:  246 Year:  2014 Publisher:  Creation House The year is 1784, and the setti...

Monday, March 24, 2014

Christian Author Lorilyn Roberts: "Gatehaven," by Mary Noble Bull, First Stop on Blog Tour

Christian Author Lorilyn Roberts: "Gatehaven," by Mary Noble Bull, First Stop on Blog Tour 

Gatehaven is a Christian Gothic historical, and my name is MOLLY Noble Bull, not Mary. But if you click to visit the blog above, you can still see my interview and read part of Gatehaven for free.

Molly Noble Bull